Contact Us

This website is created and maintained by Montreat homeowners and supporters who care deeply about Montreat and are concerned about the damage that the proposed hotel may cause.

To contact the group organizers, email:

Follow us on social media: 

We also have two email lists:

13-Update #13 -Montreat hearing continues December 13 and 15.pdf
12-Update #12-Nov 17 Permit Hearing Postponed.pdf
11-Update #11-Hearing Continues, to Meet Nov 17 in Town Hall.pdf
10-Update #10-Montreat Permit Hearing Continues Nov 4 @ 4 pm.pdf
9-Update #9-Montreat Permit Hearing continues @ 4 pm 10-28.pdf
8-Update #8-Montreat Permit Hearing @ 4 pm today - Oct 21, 2021.pdf
7-Montreat Stewards Update #7 - Sept 30, 2021.pdf
6-Montreat Stewards Update #6 - Sept 15, 2021.pdf
5-Montreat Stewards Update # 5 - July 22, 2021.pdf
4-Montreat Stewards Update #4 - June 30 2021.pdf
3-Montreat Stewards Update # 3 -June 8, 2021.pdf
2-Montreat Stewards Update # 2_ April 27, 2021.pdf
1-Montreat Stewards Update # 1_ April 5, 2021.pdf